Our food pantry is designed to provide veterans with access to nutritional food and essential household items. Our goal is to ensure veterans have access to healthy food to support their overall health and well-being. The food pantry typically includes a variety of canned goods, meats, fruits, snacks, soups, pasta, desserts, and more!
We carry a large selection of clothing items, personal care essentials, and gear that are provided to veterans in need free of charge.
Small apartment furniture including kitchen tables/chairs, love seats, small dressers, and coffee tables are available to our veterans free of charge.
We carry basic household items featuring cups, bowls, plates, silverware, pots, pans, measuring cups, and Tupperware.
Project: Wheels to Work, Gas Cards, Mechanical Work by Local Mechanics
Laundry hours are Monday - Friday from 10am - 2pm. No laundry in the washer after 2pm. Saturday 10am - 1pm.No laundry in the washer after 1pm.
Shower & Laundry Guidelines:
Please make an appointment to do your laundry, give us a call at 307-514-0035.
Follow the instructions for using the washer and dryer.
Check all of your pockets. If something in your pockets ruins our washer, you will no longer be able to use our washer.
Do not overload the washer.
Use only the laundry soap and softeners that are on the washer and dryer. Do not open any new detergent.
Take all of your laundry & clean up after yourself.
Be courteous of others needing to use the washer & dryer.
Veterans Rock is not responsible for any damage done to clothes in the washer or dryer.
Computer facility equipped with printers & scanners available for job search assistance, resume building, document retrieval, email, virtual medical appointments.